more about your interbenchionists

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Bench as Leftovers

But don't put this in the microwave. We went with a less "furniture-intensive" idea this time round, maybe even lower profile? Well, sort of. Interested to see if this lasts a bit longer than last time, or if our efforts will be foiled.

Antenna were added to the lamp, this was actually part of different idea we didn't end up doing, ah well.

Interbenchioning is not an exact science.

It's like a beacon in the cold night.

That's it! See you later.


  1. Love it. The bench has been too lonely for too long. Thank you for giving it some TLC.

    You should try to track down the cd of the 2007 proceedings when the bench was put on trial ("Free the Bench") with Penny Priddy prosecuting and Bruce Ralston defending the bench.

  2. Here are some historical tidbits about The Bench:


    Live long and prosper, Bench!
