We are a loose group of community members, organizations and amateur-artists.
We came together to celebrate and draw attention to the Imprisoned Bench of Surrey Central. With the bench gone, we didn't want the fun to stop, so have moved on to other secret plans.
The purpose of Interbenchion is to surprise, delight, confound and at the very least, make people's day slightly more interesting when they come through Surrey Central. This is maybe an art project, or a public space project -not sure which yet.
Things will appear and disappear at random. Our work is temporary -we hold benches and other inanimate objects in high esteem, so they will not be harmed. After each Interbenchion we will return the subject to it's unadorned self.
We are documenting the different Interbenchions that take place.
If you have an idea for Interbenchion, email us with your idea at interbenchion@gmail.com.